19th Edition: The Dusty Rose Edition of The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Ticket

$ 2.00

This is your chance to win a one-of-a-kind 19th Edition creation . . . I am calling this The Dusty Rose Edition of The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger. This Scribner paperback to hardcover rebind features new boards, endpapers, head and tail bands, a ribbon, limitation page and an original remarque by yours truly . . . all housed in a matching tray case! Tickets are just $2.00 and there's no limit on how many you can purchase!

The drawing is open worldwide - I will ship internationally - and will be held on January 19th at 12 Noon, Eastern time LIVE on the 19th Edition Facebook Group

If you're looking for another chance to win this treasure, every one of my Patreon supporters will automatically get a extra entry into the drawing . . . not a Patreon Supporter? Head over to patreon.com/PaulMichaelKane . . . sign up at the $2.00 tier and up . . . and you'll get your additional chance to win automatically!! If you are already a member, congrats on your extra entry - and thank you for your support!!


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