19th Edition: Book Box - Pre-Order

$ 10.95

Need the perfect place to store all your 19th Edition Swag?? Look no further than the 19th Edition Book Box!  Sized at 10" tall, 6.5" wide and 2" deep . . . there's plenty of room for what's come out and what has yet to be released! The box will also ship with a number of exclusives, including a 1.5" button, a Constant Reader Red Pencil and a yet to be designed sticker!

This is a PRE-ORDER! The boxes are currently being printed and should be shipped to me by mid-February, which is when I will immediately ship them out to you! Please follow 19th Edition for up-to-date info on when the boxes are ready!

Please Note: As this is a pre-order, any other items purchased along with the Book Box will ship when the box does. 

Domestic w/ Tracking: $3.85
Canadian w/ Tracking: $5.50
International w/ Tracking: $8.25

Please allow 8-12 days for shipping.

    *PopFunko figure not included - placed there to give a sense of scale.

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